My daughter and I did this last week...this should not be attempted if you need to be moving from the sitting to standing position numerous times the following day.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Pinterest Repin
My daughter and I did this last week...this should not be attempted if you need to be moving from the sitting to standing position numerous times the following day.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Seagull
Yesterday after a long walk on the beach, my husband stopped
to wash off his feet in a pool of water, because he is the sort that likes
everything just so,and dislikes getting sand between his toes and his sandals.
Never mind that's why sandals are called sandals--so they can be sandy. Larry
placed his sandals next to the pool of water and stooped down to wash his feet.
While he was hunched over, a seagull flew overhead and pooped right beside him.
The poop splattered onto his hair. As much as Larry dislikes sand between his
toes, he dislikes seagull poop in his hair even more. He quickly forgot about
his sandy toes, and went into the surf to rinse out his hair. His hair was now
poop-free, but wet. When it dried it was stiff with salt and every time I looked at him I wanted to laugh, again,
because it was impossible to look at his funky hair and not remember his look
of shock when the poop hit. (Mean, I know.)
Yesterday was a reminder that even when you try to do
everything just right, a seagull might bomb by and just maybe you'll have to
spend the rest of the afternoon with stiff, funky hair. And how maybe you work
really hard to get your toes sand free, thinking that this is important,
until you have poop in your hair and the
sand between your toes just doesn't matter anymore.
Life is like that. We were in Oceanside at sunset and the
sky was pinky orange and the clouds were huge and there was a band playing on
the pier and children laughing and splashing in the water, and a collection of
shells and pebbles at our feet and all the world seemed perfect, until the
seagull came by. But there will be always seagulls. Maybe laughing isn't mean.
Maybe it's the very best thing to do.
What does this have to do with a healthy life-style? Pretty
much everything. For one thing, laughing is good for you. According to health
web MD, "Laughter stretches muscles, burns calories and produces a natural
energy booster." And for another, poop happens. Everyday something
unhealthfully delicious walks in my door. Whether it’s a friend’s birthday
celebration, or a t-ball player selling candy bars, or a girl scout selling
cookies, or guy outside his restaurant passing out free samples, (do I really
need to go on?) most of us here in the prosperous US live a life of super abundance.
We have the counter-challenge of excess. Those who are
struggling for food would laugh when we call abundance a curse, but isn’t it? Without
excess we wouldn’t have obesity, alcoholism, drug addictions, hoarders (I could
go on.) Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a magic train where we could
stash all of our extra calories and send them to those who need them? Why can’t
we bundle up all that we don’t need and ship it to countries starved by draught
or strapped by greedy governments? Wouldn’t that be better than wearing our
excess around our bums or stuffing it into spandex?
But I don’t have a magic train and I do have spandex. The
challenge is to stay lean, mean and yet still be able to laugh when the
seagulls bomb by.
Monday, October 8, 2012
The Nutritarian Conversion
It’s been a little less than a month since I started dieting
and I’ve lost five pounds. Which is great. My goal was to lose five pounds a
month and that’s what happened. I started out with the daily goal of eating
fifteen hundred calories and burning four hundred calories through exercise.
For the first week, this worked. I lost weight…but the second week—not so much.
Even though I was doing pretty much the same thing. I think the problem was
that when I started it was raging hot and I would come home from my run
dripping with sweat and weigh myself before showering and the next week, not as
hot, not as sweaty and not as much weight loss.
So, I tweaked it. I read Dr Furhman’s book, Eat to Live and decided to become a
nutritarian. A few years ago I had a tooth problem and for about two weeks I
wasn’t able to chew. I lived on soup and realized that I really didn’t love or need meat. Cutting down on meat has been easy for me. I miss cookies, but the beauty
of the nutritarian diet is I’m able to eat 1,000 calories of whatever a week. I
try to save my calorie splurges for Sunday desserts and eat mostly vegetables
and fruit and some whole grains during the week. This is working for me.
Since my nutritarian conversion, I have far less mood swings
(that are so typical of women of a certain age) and no longer need an afternoon
nap. The five pounds on the scale seems like an insignificant bonus in
comparison. Maybe soon I'll decide another tweaking is in order, but for right now I'm happily grilling zucchini and making cauliflower soup.
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